(Rebooted and Recruiting)The game of chess has never been seen this way. Which side will come victorious in this century's soulchess.
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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Soulchess: Revival?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
--Gardenia City--A modern society who really doesn't know the magic behind their own city. It is very mysterious. During the day time, everything seems nearly normal and most destruction caused at night is blamed on natural disaster... at night it's nearly the same thing except destruction occurs by those taking part in this chess game. Those who witness the battles may remember until they fall asleep... thus is the magic that occurs in this city... Any fighting that happens during the day time is often remembered until the night as well.. Normal Gardenians may be curious of the castle but awkwardly avoid it or if they become brave they walk onto the territory only to find themselves walking back out without knowing what they were doing before.
--Seramel Castle--
The base in which members of Seramel sometimes retreat to. (Plenoran cannot enter the area unless through Roleplay and know No one starts here. Your character must physically go into the area)
The outside of this castle is a garden with a marble walkway towards the entrance. The inside the castle has rooms for all of its members. As you walk through this hall your character will see the dining hall, Quarters for all the characters. Lounge, and Inner castle gardens. The King and Queen's hall and rooms are upon the highest quarters as the rest are below them. There are maids and normal knights who are to serve and defend the castle but will remain for no other task.
--Plenoran Castle--
The base in which members of Plenoran sometimes retreat to. (Seramel cannot enter the area unless through Roleplay and know, No one starts here. Your character must physically go into the area)
Expect the dark feeling of this castle. Unlike the opposite side, this castle indeed does give a short road, with a dark lake nearby. Although do not take the black side of being evil but it could attract those with a darker side. It doesn't look so bad during the day. Inside the black castle Is nearly the same layout as the Seramels. Inside there rooms for all of its members. As you walk through the halls your character will see the dining hall, Quarters for all the characters. Lounge, and Inner castle gardens even if outside may be foggy. The King and Queen's hall and rooms are upon the highest quarters as the rest are below them. There are maids and normal knights who are to serve and defend the castle but will remain for no other
Guys as i said before try to post every day or two. If you can't post for a while, be sure to at least tell us or PM me, and make sure your character is not going to stall others. (Making them wait for the remaining time you're away).
Try to type three good/decent paragraphs with detail. (Dialogue has its exceptions)
By exception for dialogue, I know it gets frustrating trying to reply to someone through dialogue and asking yourself how to work up three paragraphs for a easy question. Don't worry i understand that but at least be descriptive in your answers. Thats the least i can ask for when it comes to such answers but there are ways to length out your paragraph and thats by giving good visuals and inside thoughts.
When posting be sure to use the code
- Code: Select all
At the beginning of the post, then continue your post as normal. When stating area you can be general or place a sub area to be more specific in case people wont automatically assume they're close to you which shouldn't happen.
When describing someone your character may not know and you want to just describe the person as your character may see them to be. Please put the character your describing in paranthesis.
Ex. Medusa notices a small boy who held a lollipop in his mouth across the street (Kon). (Kon is someone i made up).
Another example is if your character is in thought. Just follow the same process. You should know if your character is thinking it, there should be " ".
When your in battle and say your beginning a ability. Be sure to describe how your character is doing the ability, the sounds one may hear if near, the environment effect it may have, etc.
Ex. Goku, begins screaming while crinching his fist. The pressure of wind increases around him as his aura intensifies. The earth begins to partially rise as his energy grow. Suddenly, his hair begins to brighten changing into a blonde color and his eyes go green. Suddenly his a explosions occurs and goku stands in anger looking towards Frieza (Super Saiyan).
(Wow... idk i feel like i explained that ok -- Goku's Supa Saiyan xD)
OK last thing I want to explain is changing areas. Know your character can't be in 2-3 different areas at once. Your character can only be in one area at a time. If through RP your character enters the Plenoran Castle. State it please.
So say you got done with your full text. At the end put (Has left to Plenoran)
this way people will know that your character no longer on this field.
Remember guys, if you have question do ask and i'll try to clear it up.

Sonicx00 - Member for 1 years
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