রবিবার, ১৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

How to avoid the hazards of formaldehyde on the human body ...

Formaldehyde is a gas, in addition to the natural presence of formaldehyde in the human body and the environment, formaldehyde can also be used for commercial purposes. Formaldehyde is a preservative and disinfectant efficient, many different types of products contain formaldehyde, such as auto parts, plastic, plywood, carpets, textiles, paper products, cleaning products, paints and cosmetics, etc.. Shampoo and bubble bath products contain preservatives called formaldehyde release agent, such chemicals will break down and slowly release a very small amount of formaldehyde, which prevent the product from the breeding of bacteria and mold.

The greatest danger of human exposure to formaldehyde inhalation of high concentrations of formaldehyde in the air. We may inhalation of formaldehyde from a variety of sources, such as cigarettes, fumes, gas stove, freshly painted paint and just renovate the house, as well as a variety of other household products.

Formaldehyde in most cases we are inhaled, follow these safety measures can be effective in reducing the amount of formaldehyde inhalation you and your baby:

Methods / steps

1, Often the windows open for ventilation, to ensure the quality of indoor air.

2, Use air conditioning and dehumidifiers to lower the temperature and humidity, and promote formaldehyde emissions.

3, If the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics and other household products (or products) strong odor, such as nail polish or cleaning products, must be used in a well-ventilated place. When you use products containing formaldehyde or other products have a strong odor, let the child leave the room.

4, Clothes, sheets and towels in the first wash before first use.

5, New carpet (or freshly cleaned carpet), manufacturing compressed wood furniture (such as medium density fiberboard and particleboard), must let the indoor the fully ventilated scattered taste.

6, Avoid the use of compressed wood products, only buy low content of formaldehyde or formaldehyde-free products.

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Tags: avoid of formaldehyde, avoid the hazards of formaldehyde, formaldehyde on the human body, hazards of formaldehyde, removal of formaldehyde
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Source: http://www.hhtip.com/how-to-avoid-the-hazards-of-formaldehyde-on-the-human-body/

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