রবিবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

7 Simple Mistakes That May Be Killing Your Blog - web design ...

Blogs are becoming increasingly important for the success of a business online. Today, blogging forms an integral part of any successful Internet marketing strategy. The recent changes to Google algorithm have further made it essential for businesses to focus on content creation as a way to obtain links and improve their search engine ranking. Blogging is one of the best ways to do this.

However, blogging takes time and effort, and not all blogs succeed. In this post, we take a look at 7 common blogging mistakes that may prevent you to achieve the desired results with blogging. Addressing these mistakes is a good way to succeed in blogging and get the desired results.

1. Trying to Cover Too Many Topics

Trying to cover too many topics or going off topic is a very common mistake bloggers make. This has several disadvantages. It dilutes the global keyword density of your blog, making it difficult to become authoritative or rank favourably on search engines for desired keywords. It also makes it difficult to attract a targeted audience or establish your authority.

Targeting a micro niche makes it easier to carve a market for yourself and build a targeted following. You can always diversify and expand your topics in future either on the same blog or by setting up additional niche blogs.

2. Not Posting Regularly

Most of the blogs start out well but fail to maintain momentum after a while. This is one of the biggest mistakes in blogging and can seal the fate of your blog. It is generally recommended to post at least 3 times a week if you want your blog to be successful. However, I would recommend on posting daily if possible. Studies have found a direct relationship between customer acquisition and blogging frequency. See the results of one such study below.

Blogging Mistake -Poor Frequency

3. Lack of Adequate Promotion

Lack of adequate promotion is another common mistake made by bloggers. Thousands of new blogs are launched every week but very few succeed. You can have an excellent blog with informative content, but if users are not able to find it then you are not likely to succeed.

Setting up a blog and publishing quality content is only half the battle. You also need to devote sufficient time and resources to promote your blog and drive traffic, whether it is through free methods or paid advertising. Good SEO is a part of this.

4. Not Leveraging Guest Posting

I have not come across a single successful blog where guest posting did not play a role in its success. Guest posting is widely considered to be one of the best ways to increase traffic and build your readership. It is a great way to tap into the user-base and popularity of popular blogs from your niche.

You can also invite guest posts from other authors, adding variety to your blog and helping you to expand your content.

5. Not Taking Advantage of Google Authorship

The new authorship feature by Google is a must for every blogger. It is a Google initiative to attribute content to its original author.

Blogging Mistake - Authorship

It offers several benefits.

  • It adds rich snippet to your content in search results.
  • It increases click through rates of your content in search results.
  • It publicises your other related content to readers in search results.
  • It builds trust and credibility for your content.

In spite of its widely accepted benefits, this feature is still under-utilised. A recent study by Search Engine Land has found that only 9% Of Tech blogs implement Google Authorship properly. This is far less for other niches.

6. Not Using Media in Your Posts

Images speak a thousand words. Use of images or videos in posts improves the quality of posts and makes it more appealing for readers. From last year onwards, I have started to follow a general practice to include at least one image in every one of my posts. Needless to say, I have seen a significant increase in the popularity of my posts since then. Use of graphics also makes your content more shareable on social media.

Another good tip is to revisit your old posts and add relevant images where necessary. This is a great way to revitalise old posts and generate fresh interest in them.

7. Not Proofreading Posts Before Publishing

Writing a new blog post can be a tedious process and it is easy to make mistakes. Not spending sufficient time to proofread is a common mistake made by bloggers. In addition to correcting simple spelling and grammar mistakes, proofreading also helps improve the quality of the post by highlighting simple tweaks and improvements that may not have been evident at the time of writing.

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Source: http://www.kronikmedia.co.uk/blog/simple-blogging-mistakes/5170/

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