বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

DVD Review: Magnum Wrestling Steel City Lights Best of Derek ...

How?s it going readers, Chris here. We at pwp have always prided ourselves on bringing analysis of not only the top indy companies but the up and coming ones. Magnum Wrestling which we have reported on for about a year put out a Best Of compilation of Derek Cornell. Derek Cornell has been a friend to the site for years and while you may have seen him in Mid Wrestling Wrestling as well as other promotions, this is I believe his first Best of Compilation. The day it was announced I put in my order as always to not only watch some great wrestling, but to help support indy wrestling as we all do. As always this will not be a play by play type review, but more an overall review of the DVD & match quality. Check out Derek Cornell and Magnum Wrestling on their social networks:

Derek Cornell on twitter: http://twitter.com/ChampCityDC
Derek Cornell on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/derekcornellscs


DVD Production:
Done by Green Kid Graphics I was happy with the overall look and flow of the DVD menu and fade ins while viewing. Good production to me is key and I was glad to see the obvious time and effort put into this, the first Magnum Wrestling DVD I?ve purchased. As the DVD started out I make mention several times of the shaky cam being distracting and at times causing me to almost lose interest in a match. But overall it seemed to subside which either means the person handling the cam was aware of it and corrected it or there was a new camera guy. Either way it was definitely appreciated and allowed me to focus more on the in ring action than wondering why it suddenly seemed like I was on choppy water on a boat. Small things like that can either add or distract and it was good to see improvement as the DVD went on.

Arik Cannon vs Derek Cornell
I?d read and been tweeted a lot of comments about this match and was excited to finally get a chance to see it. This was a technically sound match with some fun comedy. I wasn?t thrilled about the shaky cam aspect of it, which I can?t obviously blame the wrestlers for but it is something to point out that if the wrestling wasn?t good would have taken away from my enjoyment of the match as it does with other promotions. The hard cam views were always the best, which they should be but it should be noted that it was wise to show case the more important parts of the match with that vantage point. Cannon was as good as I?ve always felt he could be and be really brought it to Derek, who got a chance to show any first time viewer that he has a lot to offer.

Another thing that kind of took me out of the match though was the low ring which I have noticed in a lot of promotions lately and I have to say it does tend to take me out of the match as well. As I said before though the wrestling was strong in this match up and both men really brought it. The innovative wrestling of Cannon mixed with the very good technical wrestling of Cornell created some memorable moments not only for the crowd, but for me as well. Even without commentary the bruises on these men shown with the close ups really gave it a gravity that commentary might have distracted me from. A very good match that introduces you to Derek Cornell well and I can see why I saw so many tweets and comments wanting this match brought to their home promotions. Here?s looking at you AAW to possibly bring this to Berwyn. Derek Cornell won a very hard fought match, even surviving the top rope breaking, via roll up. Go out of your way to see this match folks.

The Beautiful Bodies Derek Cornell/Brian Gott vs Team Sleaze Jaysin Strife/Joey Ryan

The pre-match banter with a female fan saying she didn?t want to give Joey Ryan a chance was worth the $20 price tag on this DVD alone to listen to. Very PWG esque. While I can?t attest to how beautiful Gott or Cornell are from a male perspective, I can say they are a tag team to look out for in the future. Jaysin Strife was also impressive, including his banter with the woman from the beginning. This was a fun match to watch with all four guys showing their abilities to adapt to the crowd and have a match the fans wanted to see. Solid tag match with Joey Ryan getting the pinfall via super kick to Gott.

Team Lariat ?Joedozer? Joey Anderson/?81?s Finest? Marcus Holiday vs The Beautiful Bodies Derek Cornell/Brian Gott

Team Lariat were certainly good opponents for the Beautiful Bodies even though this is the first time I?ve seen them in action. Joey Anderson & Marcus Holiday certainly live up to their name sake as they delivered a ton of lariats, including sliding lariats and drop down lariats. While it is an obviously cheesy gimmick, it worked for these two guys and it gave me something to gravitate to as both of them individually weren?t standing out to me. Of course that is not meant as a knock either as this was the first time I?ve seen them in action and perhaps just need to see more of their stuff. Team Lariat got the win with a tandem wheel barrow lariat which while innovative was a bit interesting to say the least. Good effort by all four talents. The more I see of Cornell and Gott as a team here and in other promotions, the more I like their timing and abilities. Definitely a team I?ll be looking out for to pop up in more promotions.

Derek Cornell vs Supafli I

Cornell looked good in this match working with an obviously lighter opponent. SuperFli was a generic luchador gimmick, perhaps not as fun as El Generico but it worked for his in ring style. This is obviously the first time I?ve seen Cornell work against a high flying style and I think that this was probably my second favorite match of the DVD so far right behind the Cannon match. Good technical stuff here including a lot more lucha influence that did not look sloppy as it tends to be when dealing with those who may not be familiar with it and are just going through the motions. Cornell would catch SuperFli with a jumping knee while he was on the top turnbuckle which led to a KO finish. This would lead into match #2 between these two guys. I really enjoyed this match so it will be interesting to see what they do in the second incarnation.

Derek Cornell vs SuperFli II

There was more intensity in this match which was great to see. The follow up to their last match also seemingly seen in front of a more full crowd and it definitely added as the crowd reactions were clear that they understood what was going on between these two. As I?ve said before, I always enjoy those little details in matches where the logic flows and it was obvious here with Cornell focusing more on the head of SuperFli. It?s that small attention to detail between matches that make it more enjoyable for me and something I wish was more prevalent. I definitely encourage anyone at this point to check out Derek Cornell and more content from Magnum Wrestling as with the small amount I?ve seen so far, I?m impressed and that is not easily done in my estimation. SuperFli would get a measure of revenge with a roll up victory after a grueling match. I have to say I enjoyed this one more than the last.

Street Fight: Brian Gott vs Derek Cornell
Unfortunately in this match the hand cam was not wiped and that really did not help the glare from the lights. The hard cam shots were clear and great. These two former tag team partners really got into it for this and the small touches of both guys not being in their trunks showed a level of seriousness. The use of a chain as a fish hook was particularly brutal to watch and I really wish the hand cam had not been lowered at the point where it was introduced. The street Fight aspect of this match was well utilized by both guys as open groin shots and uses of foreign objects were used well within the context of the match including a top rope double stomp onto a chair to the head while the legs were chained to the ring post and a power slam that caves in the roof of a car. I will say one creepy part that was outside of the match was a kid who kept saying he wanted to see the use of barbed wire and he could not have been older than 7, well at least that was what his voice sounded like. But he did get his wish as a barbed wire board was brought into the match after a beach break piledriver onto thumb tacks was not enough to take down Gott. Cornell would get the win with a powerbomb through the barbed wire board.

The Beautiful Bodies Derek Cornell/Brian Gott vs Simply The Best Hype Gotti & ?Babyface? Tony Cortez
This match started out hot and heavy with over the top rope dives which despite the short ring were still impressive. Some very impressive tandem moves in this match which was a fun way to end this DVD.

Overall: If you have never watched any of Derek Cornell then I definitely think that you?ll be impressed with his work and that you?ll definitely want to check out more of his work. The most impressive matches to me were the singles matches against Cannon and street fight with Gott while both matches with SuperFli and the tag matches were good and were just icing on the cake. Magnum Wrestling is also a great promotion that we at PWP are just starting to cover and hopefully will more. Show your support of the indy scene and this talented wrestler who has also had try outs with WWE and hopefully you?ll see him booked in a promotion near you. I give this DVD a recommendation for sure.

How to Order: To order via PayPal, payment is sent to derekcornellscs@hotmail.com $15 plus $5 for shipping and handling.
Definitely check it out as it is well worth the $20 and you?ll be supporting a very talented wrestler.

Source: http://nationalsportsreview.com/2012/10/25/dvd-review-magnum-wrestling-steel-city-lights-best-of-derek-cornell-vol-1/

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