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November brings the election and winter, a challenging season.

My best consumer experience: The election of consumer-oriented public officials

I was generally pleased with the outcome of the election.

Pres. Barack Obama has been a leader in getting important consumer laws passed, for example, the Affordable Health Care Act and financial reform legislation.

Elizabeth_Warren_CFPBWith Elizabeth Warren in the U.S. Senate, American consumers will have a consumer champion to work for them. Warren envisioned the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and was its acting director.

See my article, ?How Will the 2012 Election Affect Consumers?? for more information on election results and their impact on consumers.

My worst consumer experience: Trying to apply caulking

When the pest company came for a routine inspection recently, the representative said I should caulk around the front of my house where the sidewalk meets the foundation.

A friend said 100 percent silicone caulking works well, so on the way home from buying groceries, I stopped by a hardware store and bought some. Not being experience, I bought a small tube, the size of a tube of toothpaste.

Immediately, when I started to apply it, I could see that it wasn?t working well and I?d purchased the wrong thing.

I looked in my garage and found some caulking and a caulking gun a contractor had left for me. However, I couldn?t get it to work.

I went back to the hardware store to return the tube of caulking. I asked for help in getting the caulking gun to work. An employee showed me that you have to poke a rod down into the caulking to break a piece of foil that keeps the caulking in when you cut off the tip.

I went back home and applied the caulking. It was difficult to do. It looks like frosting trim that you put on the bottom of a cake. And, one tube only covered half of the job.

I had to go back to the hardware store a third time to get another container of caulking.

All in all, it wasn?t a fun experience.

Copyright 2012, Rita R. Robison, Consumer Specialist

Source: http://boomersurvive-thriveguide.typepad.com/the_survive_and_thrive_bo/2012/11/election-results-are-my-best-consumer-experience-this-week-while-applying-caulking-disappoints.html

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